Coping without Namespaces

One of the features of Tcl which Jim lacks is support for namespaces.

The lack of namespaces in Jim is generally not a problem in the small, embedded applications for which Jim is most suited. However occasionally it useful to be able to port Tcl code which uses namespace. For example, tcllib makes heavy use of namespaces. This article describes one approach to easily porting this code to Jim.

For this example, we will port dns.tcl to Jim.

The general approach is to modify the code from using implicit scoping to using explicit scoping. Consider the following code which uses namespaces to declare a proc and a variable within a namespace.

namespace eval dns {
	variable timeout 10 
	proc configure {new} {
		variable timeout
		set timeout $new

This code create a variable ::dns::timeout and a proc ::dns::configure. We can do the same explicitly.

set dns::timeout 10

proc dns::configure {new} {
	global dns::timeout
	set dns::timeout $new

The main differences between this code and the namespace code are:

We can mitigate this last difference with one small change.

# Poor man's variable for Jim Tcl
# Links a global variable, ::ns::var to a local variable, var
proc variable {ns var} {
    uplevel 1 [list upvar #0 ${ns}::$var $var]

set dns::timeout 10

proc dns::configure {new} {
	variable dns timeout
	set timeout $new

With this change, code can refer to the unqualified variable name which is linked to the fully qualified name.

You can see the fully converted version of dns.tcl for Jim

To summarise:

Steve Bennett (

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